Our Opportunity


Toronto faces a structural shortage of housing, which has resulted in significant pricing power for rental housing assets. While roughly 35,000 homes are built each year, the city gains between 110,000 to 125,000 people annually, exacerbating the shortage of housing and more specifically the lack of rental housing.

In addition, the current solutions being developed are high-rise rental buildings leaving an opportunity for the repurpose of the current low rise housing supply.

- This process has a shorter regulatory review, less debt intensive (no HST), and provides a unique product for our target


In Toronto's real estate market, renters face a significant barrier to becoming homeowners due to high prices and limited inventory in desirable areas. This creates a long-term opportunity for our fund to provide high-quality rental units in the urban core, catering to the needs of this demographic and creating a strong potential for revenue and capital appreciation.

Let’s Work Together

If you are interested in investing, developing, or looking for a new spot to call home please reach out and let’s see if we can work together to make it happen